Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorsement

General Colin Powell

Colin Powell just endorsed Barack Obama for President. Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press with Tom Brokaw this morning, Powell spoke very strongly about both candidates before endorsing Obama. Amongst his concerns about McSame: the Republican party has gone way too far to the right, the selection of Palin was concerning - she is not at all ready/qualified to be president in his view, the conduct of Palin on the campaign trail - of interjecting hate, religious bigotry and character assassination into her speeches and the failure of McSame to stop same. He's also concerned about the potential appointment of two right-wing conservatives to the Supreme Court.

Amongst the strengths of Obama: His intellectual curiosity and steadiness in times of crisis and his depth of knowledge.

To read the full story, go to:

Interestingly, when doing my GOTV calls yesterday, I spoke with a 28-year old female voter in Charlotte. Asked what most attracted her to Obama, she responded: "His intelligence and his willingness to listen to differing views." Indeed.

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